Contact Tab and Rob | JustChoice

Tab and Rob

We’re Tabitha and Robert. We met in 2012 when Tab’s brother began dating one of Rob’s closest childhood friends. That summer was filled with sand volleyball and softball tournaments we developed a wonderful friendship. Everything changed that fall when Rob’s date for a friend’s wedding cancelled at the last minute. Rather than go alone, he called Tab and they spent the night dancing and laughing (mainly at Rob’s horrible dance moves ha ha). We eloped in 2015 and had our ceremony on a snow-covered day in April the following year, which made for some interesting photos!

Rob grew up in a small town in Ohio with his two brothers. After high school he joined the service, spending the next four years trying to stay out of harm’s way. After his enlistment, he went on to play football in college, worked for the State Department traveling the world protecting US Ambassadors abroad, and currently works with a private tech company doing executive protection. 

Tab and CC have gotten to tag along on some of his work trips. Now that CC finally has her passport she and Tab went with Rob to work in Costa Rica. C.C loved all the animals!


Tab was born in Germany where her father was stationed, though she spent most of her childhood in southern Ohio with her ten younger siblings. Tab’s family is no stranger to adoption, as three of her brothers and four of her sisters were adopted. Tab owns her own salon and has been a stylist for over 15 years. She loves being her own boss and is so thankful to have such a flexable work schedule. Tab's favorite part of her work week are the surprise visits from our daughter, C.C.! 

We adopted C.C. in the summer of 2021. She quickly became our world and has a fun, spunky, go-go attitude. She loves reading and learning new words, dancing, saying hi to everyone, petting every dog shes allowed to, and playing with our own dog, Todd. She loves cooking and helping out around the house (or "helping" with really anything that looks fun!) and loves to give unprovoked hugs and kisses. She is very brave, friendly, and loves the water, and we have loved introducing her to swimming lessons this year!

Our favorite things to do together all revolve around enjoying the outdoors and being  active. We love playing sports, boating, backpacking, working in the garden, hunting and fishing, and traveling with friends and family (C.C. has already been to 13 states!). Tab is an avid runner, and loves reading. And Rob loves to cook and has had a lot of fun fishing and exploring the local rivers in his kayak this year.

We’re so incredibly excited to continue expanding our family through adoption. We have been talking to C.C. about being a big sister. She has been practicing with her baby dolls! It's adorable!

We spend time each night talking and praying about it with C.C. We want our children to grow up knowing their futures were hand-picked by their birth mothers


JustChoice's number to text 614 - 551 - 4642
