Blog | JustChoice

Blog and Articles

Stepping Into Solidarity

A podcast about finding each other. Here we embark on a journey of shared experiences and mutual support using the lens of reproductive justice. Together, we will explore what it means to truly stand in solidarity with each other, one story at a time.

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A city where youth have their basic needs met is a safer city | Opinion

The urgency to curb youth violence in Cincinnati has sparked numerous efforts, but good intentions alone aren't enough. As a licensed independent social worker overseeing programs at JustChoice, a reproductive justice organization, I wear many hats − wife, mother, and advocate for vulnerable children and teens profoundly affected by community and interpersonal violence. My mission is clear: to support families with the tools they need to thrive.

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Embracing Solidarity: The Power of Mutual Aid

So much of what JustChoice provides pregnant people and families in Ohio is not “charity” but actually mutual aid. We are very specific about our use of the word and wanting to highlight what we mean by that.

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Laura Sullivan on Why She Supports Reproductive Freedom

With Reproductive Rights in Ohio being on the ballot in Ohio in November, we felt it was important to re-examine what reproductive rights actually are, and how they affect not just women, but all people. The vision of comprehensive reproductive rights, includes a vision of a world where women are safer from the impact of sexual assault, rape and coercion, and Laura tells her personal story of why she works in the reproductive justice space.

Laura Sullivan is a licensed independent social worker who lives in Ohio.

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Clearing Up Confusion around Issue 1

Regardless of the outcome of Issue 1, JustChoice is working hard to make sure women and pregnant people in Ohio have access to all options, abortion, adoption, and parenting support.

A recent article by NBC News’ Adam Edelman clearly breaks down why we need to do what we can to further clarify Issue 1 in November’s Ohio election.

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When “Protecting Women” Puts More Women in Jeapardy

In August of 2023, Pro-Choice Ohio released an investigative report on Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC’s) This blog shares some key take aways about the impact of their practices in Ohio.

One of the rallying cries you’ll hear from CPCs and anti-abortion extremists is the phrase “protect women.” But let’s unpack what actually happens.

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Thoughts on adoption - my heart and arms are empty


What now?

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Celebrate Pride, Protect Family

By now, you’ve no doubt seen the love and support we’re sharing this month in celebration of Pride. Perhaps you’ve wondered why an open adoption agency chooses to participate and recognize our LGBTQ brothers and sisters.

We raise our voices and celebrate LGBTQ families because our work is not done until more LGBTQ families are able to freely and openly welcome adoptive foster care children into their hearts and homes. Our work is not done until more LGBTQ families can adopt without discrimination or fear.

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3 steps to reinvent foster care

May is National Foster Care Month. It’s a time to acknowledge awesome foster parents, the work of foster care professionals and the many, many others who help the nearly 430,000 children in the foster care system.

It’s also time to be real. In May, we’ll shine a light on the failures and opportunities in that same foster care system. #FosterFacts cannot be ignored. The more than 20,000 children aging out of foster care without permanent families every year cannot be ignored.

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Foster facts are hard to hear, but important to understand

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which gives people across the country the opportunity to speak out, connect and raise awareness of an often difficult and uncomfortable topic.

Sexual assault has touched so many lives. We see it in the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements, and many of us see it in our day-to-day lives.

But we don’t often see the impact on one of our country’s most vulnerable populations: foster kids.

Sexual assault statistics in the U.S. are grim.

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JustChoice's number to text 614 - 551 - 4642
