Why protesters are not pro-life | JustChoice

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Why protesters are not pro-life

The presence of protesters at abortion clinics has long caused heartache, hurt and even death. In the recent “red rose rescue” attacks at two abortion clinics in the U.S. – one in Michigan and one in Virginia – protestors stormed clinic waiting rooms. Where, in any other circumstance, pregnant people are able to find a safe haven and a judgement-free zone, instead, they were faced with words of hate and violence. These protesters are not pro-life. In fact, they represent all that is not life.

My friend and dear mentor owns one of the family planning clinics they stormed. She was telling me about how awful the protestors have been the last couple of weeks – making their attacks beyond personal, directing them at her and her family. And then this. They want to instill a new level of fear. The latest attacks have me saying enough is enough.

Owners of family planning centers are hands down some of the most incredible people I know. They dedicate their lives to a movement that they believe in with every ounce of their being. Day in and day out, they work to revive, restore and assure people greater things will come. They let them know that this moment of terminating a pregnancy does not have to define them. They live by a deep vision and they are covered by a force of love – love for pregnant people, for families and for their children. 

As an owner of an adoption agency, I am often greeted by protesters when I go to clinics. Protesters are fiercely angry, with judgement in their eyes and ready for battle. But family planning centers and abortion clinics are the farthest thing imaginable from the hateful energy protesters portray. The anger from outside is nowhere to be found in these clinics. There are no scathing faces, threats and weapons. A pregnant person's armor can fall off, and they can begin the healing process and work needed to make them feel whole again.

Because of what I have seen, what I have heard, what I know to be true – I feel it is my moral obligation to stand on this side of the fight. The day you threaten someone’s family – you are no longer Christian. You are no longer pro-life.

No matter where you stand in faith, I want to say this to you. When your life piles up with anger from those who disagree with you, when you are feeling overcome, hold firmly to your truth – and fear not. Your work is covered in protection because it is done not for you, but for those in need.

For those who believe, God calls Christians to care for the poor, widowed and orphaned. Isn’t that exactly what you are doing? When asked “How was your life served?” Your answer will be - "My life was served doing everything in my power to help pregnant people, their families and their children. I welcomed them. I trusted them. I loved them. I treated them exactly as You would.” What will the answer of the protestor be?

To my dear friend, lift your eyes to the sky. If I could shout it any louder I would. You will win this fight.

Molly Rampe Thomas is founder and CEO of Choice Network, an adoption agency that trusts people and their choices. The agency is on a mission to change the definition of family through supported open adoptions, no judgment abortion conversations and active parenting resources and counsel. For more information, visit choicenetworkadoptions.com.


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