choice | JustChoice


It’s about choice: #CelebrateAbortionProviders

Without abortion providers, pregnant people would have no access to safely and factually explore all of their choices. 

When put simply: Abortion care providers are heroes.

And that’s why Choice Network is recognizing the work of independent abortion care providers  across the country this week, in honor of them and in celebration of National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day on March 10.

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A #vision4abortion and adoption aren’t mutually exclusive

If you’ve been following Choice Network social media channels the last couple of weeks, you’ve noticed we’re raising our voice when it comes to being a pro-choice open adoption agency. During this historic week of the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade court decision that legalized abortion in the US, we’re celebrating being one of more than 140 organizations and leaders committed to a new vision for abortion.

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